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January 20, 2014



Hi John,

Thanks for the great list of branded Content + Commerce examples.

What's interesting is that aside from Adobe, all of these companies seem to be either startups (i.e. Mr Porter, King's Lane, Birchbox) or fiercely independent brands (i.e. Patagonia) who have been leveraging on content via their catalogues & thought leadership via their experts for years now.

That and no real FMCG or big brand examples. I wonder if its due to the above content marketing strategies typically taking 1+ year to really see the ROI, hence when agencies propose these type of strategies they are instantly killed by Brand Managers looking for quick wins before their next rotation...

Maybe the only chance of success is if the CMO really commits to these ideas and then proceeds to take these programmes in-house to nurture and grow...

Speaking of which hope all is going well at Traders ;)

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