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October 24, 2011



"We manage tons of customer relationships for brands via Facebook walls and Twitter handles and more. We can do this because we live and breathe 'customer-centricity."

As social media gains more transparency can companies continue to outsource social expertise? If they aren't behind the social pages doesn't that just stress the fact they don't really care? Isn't it like a guilty criminal hiring a top lawyer to find a loophole?

Spike Jones

Great analysis, Jon. And I'm aligned with you on all points, especially the one about brands outsourcing communications. I think it's easy to get cynical about it from the outside because there are so many examples of brands doing it poorly (and outsourcing to the lowest bidder), compared to those who are quietly doing it right. Even big brands that many tout as "leaders in the space" have agency partnerships that manage many aspects of the brand - both online and off.

The key lies in what you said. And being a part of a large agency myself, I also get to see just how it works - that we become part of the brand. We can't think of ourselves as a vendor, and our responsibility doesn't stop at reputation management. The people who work on that account live and breathe it. Like you mentioned, if you didn't know that they were on the agency side from their business card, you'd never know that they weren't a direct employee of the client.

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