This week is Social Media Week. A bit of a global, collective event that just "happens" thanks to the efforts of Toby Daniels, his merry band and the efforts of many enthusiastic individuals throughout he social media spectrum.
You can attend a session live in one of nine cities from New York to San Francisco to London and more. Since we have a global team, we are running sessions in many of those cities.
LONDON - our team in the UK will be running their Idea Shop Social pop-up store where you can walk-in and get strategic guidance for how to apply social to your business. This is a great small business service and should be a lot of fun. They will also be running an "Idea-a-thon." On Friday of this week, UK time - "People tweet us briefs using the hashtag #ideashop. Together we answer the briefs. Then the results are posted online for everyone to enjoy."
NEW YORK CITY - our team in NYC will be hosting a workshop on Facebook for brand marketers in partnership with Buddy Media. How's Your Facebook Strategy Doing? is now full. We will have several brands there and Facebook. The session will start with a panel but quickly segue to roundtable work groups on Engagement, Acquisition, Measurement and more.
SAN FRANCISCO - the gang in SF is running a session on Social Experience Design called Beyond the Like Button. This is also sold out at this point. They will be covering "the effects of the decentralization of the singular brand presence, how social media has affected customer contact channels and CRM initiatives and how marketers can best align with user needs and behaviors across the expanding digital space (smart tv, mobile phones, gaming consoles, tablets, smart appliances)."
Should be great week and we look forward to seeing everyone online and offline
For us down below, will any of these sessions be available online?
Posted by: Adam Beaupeurt | February 08, 2011 at 03:34 AM