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January 17, 2011


Gavin Llewellyn

Thank you for an excellent post, John.

Social media has been more than a buzzword for at least the past year and I believe that 2011 will be a defining year for many companies (including large organisations like Pepsico, P&G, Kraft and Unilever) as they begin to take social media even more seriously.

The fact that Facebook overtook Google as the number 1 website in both the US and UK clearly shows how important it is for major brands to have a clear and positive social media presence.

As for images and video, they have been indexed by search engines for a while now and I am as surprised as you when I search for a company and find a hotchpotch of results. The emergence of social media, combined with search, offers a perfect platform for companies to communicate their vision, values and brand in a way that will speak to a huge (and growing) online audience.

Carol L. Weinfeld

As the adage goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Brands need to ensure that their visual images represent and are consistent with their message.



Hi John,

What do you think about the visual content of the Ogilvy brand?


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