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December 20, 2010



Great article John. The belt system is an interesting way to think about training.

I led a Facebook and Twitter training for about 40 employees last week and it was extremely weel received. We are looking to make it a regular occurence. I'm also going to do a Foursquare/Facebook Places training tomorrow. Come to think of it, I better finish that deck up. =)

Jeremy Pepper

Congratulations on taking a lead in the education of staff and clients; when speaking with agencies of various sizes (and my own experience), education is the one thing that is lacking and needs to be pushed forward at all levels.

Of course, at agency life, it comes down to billability and investment, and often times the holding companies and short-term thinking get in the way.

But, come on John, social media belts?! That's been done already. You couldn't have gone with a social media ribbons or medals system?

Have a great 2011!

John Bell

We started using social media belts about 4 years ago in Asia. We then applied it to our training program globally. It's a model business people "get" as it was applied to Six Sigma for so many years. We felt it important to stick with a paradigm business folks could relate to.

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