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November 29, 2010


Tom O'Brien

Hi John:

Turns out that social makes a really lousy advertising platform.

Buying someone's "advocacy" is just mis-informed and will be you clicks (maybe) but not new customers. Do I really care what Guy Kawasaki thinks about the 2010 Corvette??

Doing things that delight your fans (product, comms, marketing) will help you drive advocacy. Social is one good channel for doing that.

Tom O'Brien
MotiveQuest LLC

Kayden H.

To begin with, the credibility that comes from WOM advocacy (as opposed to direct-to-consumer marketing messages) amplifies the effectiveness in its own right.



Why don't we give our most devoted and passionate customers the tools to advocate on our behalf? Talking about (and advocating for) products and services is part of our social fabric. In this sense I don't see it as buying advocacy, but instead helping it proliferate.

I believe talking about products/services/brands we love can be even more delightful than receiving messages through traditional media. The focus here is on the stage (advocate, bond, connect) more than the channel through which advocacy takes place (social).


John Bell

Tom & Kayden - we are all looking for genuine ways to drive advocacy. We want to inspire customers - people like ourselves- to care enough to share. "buying advocacy" is not the answer. Putting more budget against truly 'earned media' is the wave of ...now. We will only use paid to amplify and extend the reach.

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