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May 26, 2010


Hugh Macken

Excellent insights, as usual. I've shared them with a contact of mine who does Ad Agency research and am eager to hear her comments.

I've been quite impressed by Tealium in helping web analytics folks better understand what specific venues online are influencing web traffic. In addition, Sysomos has been doing an excellent job, in my view, of analyzing "user-supplied" content within conversations to understand the demographics behind the content.

On the social network analysis front, I've been in conversations online recently with Dr Michael Wu, chief scientist at Lithium Tech and they are doing some very interesting work in Social Network Analysis.

Nevertheless, there is still much work to be done within our industry to better understand the demographics, socialgraphics and psychographics of online people and communities. Such analysis, when done well and with a healthy respect for PII, can be very fruitful, in my view, in better understanding consumer attitude, intent and influence.

Thanks for spurring my thoughts on this very interesting topic.

Hugh Macken
VMR Communications, LLC

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