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March 15, 2010


Fabrice Calando

This is a great post! Definitely food for thought! I think Facebook is also implementing location-based services. I think their take will be very interesting as well

Daan van Rossum

Excellent distillation. Thank you.

From a store (brand) perspective foursquare will be an excellent platform (check out the new analytics dashboard) to build relationships. Of course that will only work when people keep using 4square.


Great post. Personally I very strongly believe that for services/companies in the digital world, success will largely depend on how well they understand and further the cause of two critical cultural movements - personal empowerment and communal world building.

Foursquare definitely has done tons of things right on point 2. Now what remains to be seen is how quickly local businesses will adopt foursquare and use it to empower their customers. So the continual growth of foursquare in my opinion is heavily dependent on that. Not on the number of people who use/subscribe to the service.

Just #my.02

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