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February 01, 2010



Nicely put, John.

Also, few other aspects to consider -

If your product or message is already influenced by game changers and influencers or bloggers, won't they seek out your message or brand and respond through their own channels?

But, brands do need to get initial feedback from these influencers before they let it out into the open for larger audience - to capture the feedback and retune their message or experience of the product. All the three points you have laid out are valid in such situations.

Here is another way of looking at this ....

So, instead of reaching out to these bloggers just when there is a campaign or a new product, why not build the relationship well ahead of time and nurture the relationship?

While this can be done in the way you have identified - reaching out to the bloggers, there is another - I call this Passive Engagement.

Brands should have processes in place that capture responses and discussions taking place in the communities. From that, identify influencers and passionate users who are willing to talk, blog, rag and share your message or product experience with their audience. Have processes in place for these passionate users and bloggers to reach you and your company and your brand ambassadors to be kept in the loop in future messaging. This is different from you, as a brand reaching out to them (the passionate bloggers) for listening your message or critiquing your product.

That's what I call Passive Engagement from brand perspective.

Passive Engagement is not possible today because "most" (most being the operative word here) brands and companies have not built such systems or processes to enable that.


I’m re-thinking what I thought I knew before reading this. Thanks for a well written piece that breaks through the fog to present a clear picture on a fascinating subject. Carport For Sale

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