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February 15, 2010



Thank you for sharing. You've encouraged us all to open and broaden our minds!

See you at #LikeMinds.

Would love to connect with you on Twitter, Trey

Michael Selissen

Interesting that you referred to psychology as marketing's "next rediscovered territory." I was thinking the same thing recently while reading one of Malcolm Gladwell's essays in "What the Dog Saw."

"True Colors" describes the two women behind the seminal advertising for Clairol and L'Oreal in the 50's and 60's. Gladwell also shows how those ads and the motivational research work of people like Herta Herzog connected us in subtle ways to the products we bought and the others who used them.

Interesting read, especially for Mad Men fans. Here's the essay: http://bit.ly/a2e3KG

Logo Design

Thanks for sharing such a great stuff, i was just passing by to this post. This blog is really great, i love it.

cara meninggikan badan

With all this talk about behavioral marketing you would think psychology is downright passe. My team at Ogilvy has been spending a fair amount of time re-examining Cialdini's drivers of influence and persuasion in relation to social media. Here is a crude juxtaposition of Cialdini's concepts against a social media context.

Greg Cynamon

The psychology of influence and sharing - this is an interesting read..

how about reverse psychology - do you have any idea if that indeed is effective persuasion technique?


Great post...I actually read the book on this...the amazing power of reciprocation was shown when monks would give flowers and then immediately ask for a donation.

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