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September 29, 2009


bob crawshaw

Hey John, I like your common sense approach and easy style...Bob

Jose Guerra

I agree with everything and how we earn influencer's attention I think is the challenge. Ideas are more important than ever before to break-through the noise and not interrupt influencers but give them value. The thing is that it needs to be in a social environment, even for B2B firms because there is just too much direct marketing (online and offline) sent at them.

I touch on these thoughts also in my last post http://bit.ly/ojmiy

Kipp Bodnar


Good post, I think this mean that as word-or-mouth practitioners we will be looking more toward services like Traackr that focus on identifying influencers as an addition to current monitoring (Radian6) that focuses on what is being said.

I think both types of data are needed to help us get a better pictures of how information is spread across different groups of people.

Teresa Basich

Seems like there are a lot of conversations going on right now re: influence and influencers.

I have a question for you, though: Do you find that the most effective reach is truly done through Influencers (with a capital I) who have mass followings and broad reach? Or is there value in striving to target maybe the less "influential" (in terms of broad reach) but more loyal brand enthusiasts? What about the outliers?

I really like the idea of tapping into enthusiasts -- like you mentioned in Part 2, those might be people who are popular in a very small niche -- but I'm chewing over a couple different thoughts regarding influence and brand enthusiasm including:

a) Do enthusiasts naturally grow into influencers because of their dedication to a brand, or is there more to it?

b) If there's enough of a difference between influencers and brand enthusiasts, I'd love to find out more from an "expert" perspective on which group is better utilized in growing brand awareness (if one is better than the other) and how tapping into each group differs.

I'm learning here. :) Great series, here!

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