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February 18, 2009


Steve Martell

I wonder if having people "tell us" what they like versus "listening to" what people say may be two different things. For example, we do know that in a focus group, survey, or interview, that the results do not always reflect what people will actually do. Think movie trailers versus movie successes, or products like the Ford Edsel (I know...too extreme of an example but the first that came to mind). So there may be a fine line in how we lay the foundation for a crowdsourced solution.

I would say another layer of the ego barrier you mentioned would be comfort . We are only starting to realize the benefits of sharing ideas, giving our thoughts away and letting go of the control. We've been educated (both formerly and through experience) to keep this stuff inside our heads.

Thanks again for the post!

John Bell

@steve - all great points. We do a tremndous amount of listening these days which is a great step forward. In teh case of my proposal for useful video programs, I believe people are more and more media savvy and very capable of suggesting the types of things they would find most compelling. Agian, the magic then lies in hwo we produce it. Think about someone saying "I wish I had a video that explained "wikis" in plain english" and then Commoncraft comes along and creates its great "handmade" video on the subject.

You makea great point about how we are all just getting used to sharing ideas vs, protecting them at all costs.

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