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September 24, 2008



I call it the Social Mess. Branding is key. When I think Sugar, I think CRM or Salesforce.

Then I think community development via their opensource forge.

Social Networks are typically advertising driven and Sugar/Salesforce are very subscription driven.

Transitioning to be ad driven is going to be a challenge.

Tanya Renne

You raise a good question about social networking inside the garden walls. Is there a way to aggregate or even a reason to aggregate ... maybe small spreadout communities are what we need to support - not everything can live in facebook - but if you can't do what you want to do inside the space then it loses it's importance - even if you dig (or digg) the brand. There're a lot of orgs competing for a relatively small number of content producers -- if they go so will the community they inspire.


John Bell

And now along comes NYTimes to unveil it's own social network. Where is open social when you need it?

Will Fleiss

Sites that create their social networks with search reputation management in mind will have a great advantage. Fast Company appears to be on the right track http://www.fastcompany.com/find_people/results

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