We're on a roll with these mega-events in terms of Web2.0 and social media integrating into the experiences to add unique value. And these aren't even geek conferences - they are mainstream. While we wind down our Olympics blogging and vlogging activity, the Democratic Convention is in it's final build-and-prep stages in Denver (just came back from Denver last night - the corporate parties are heating up - we're helping out a couple of doozies).
Thanks to NewTeeVee - my favorite feed on Web video, I found Ustream's live feed from the conference floor. Right now you can watch the construction of the Big Tent. But once that tent is up here's what you can expect:
"The Big Tent will be a gathering place for new media journalists and bloggers, as well as home to the Digg stage, which will feature speakers such as T. Boone Pickens, John Conyers and DailyKos’ Markos Moulitsas."
Other coverage:
C-Span has a new video site calleed the Convention Hub featuring cgm (check out this cool Qik video of them installing the "Hope" sculpture which I didn't even know existed)
ABC News (another sign things have changed is the focus on teh medium - check out how all the in-crowd waits for a text message of the VP selection) and MSNBC.com (check out their Decision Dashboard) will have live coverage
The Huffington Post is going upsacle by hosting a panel at The Brown Palace featuring: Chad Hurley, Will.i.am; Arianna, George Stephanopoulos, Katharine Weymouth, Rep. Rahm Emanuel and Saturday Night Live's Fred Arminsen
The DNCC blog site will have coverage and on top of that, they held a video contest - Why Are You A Democrat in 2008. The winner - Rich Peters - is going to teh convention and his video will be shown on teh big screen!
Good Changes
The added dimension of bloggers, vloggers, side-events through multiple voices is doing a tremendous amount to make these events more intersting, personal and in an unexpected way, may be filling the hole left behind by the market consolidation of media. We can actually hear multiple POVs again.