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August 05, 2008



If you liked the Museum of Jurassic Technology, then you absolutely have to read Lawrence Weschler's book Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder, all about David Hildebrand Wilson, the founder of the museum. It's particularly useful when Weschler examines some of the exhibits.

Sean Williams

I grew up in LA (Hollywood and The Valley), and while I have some fond memories of the city where I had my first date, I try to stay away. The scene IS quite amazing and entertaining, but the horizontal nature of it, the pittance of open spaces and the general challenges of existing in a gigantic city wind up making me depressed. My dad used to say, "who wants to breathe something you can't even see," when talking about smog, and despite progress, it's still awful. LA is too expensive and has too much sunshine -- it's just...LA enough to bother me. Give me Chicago, Boston, New York for big big cities instead of LA; I'll live cheerfully here in Cleveland, 3 blocks from the lake, in my leafy, sylvan town 10 miles from the office.

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