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February 10, 2007


Ng Sze Hin Leonard

Very interesting finding. Something beyond our little own world. It is always good to observe something that is "not me", and that's could be one of the best way to understand the fundamental of "me".

Do you mind if I quote this article, translate it into Chinese, and share it to my readers in my own blog?

Ng Sze Hin Leonard

Oh, by the way, just to look after my English reader like yourself and your folks, I have tried to put a tag "English" on my posts for those posts which are either written in real English, or have zero or minimum Chinese characters in it, so that you guys could still read "some" of my writings.

And here is the address of that category (same as the one on the signature):

John Bell

Leonard - be my guest!

Gene (Black Tapir)

Hi, John, ...

Sidekick, she told me about your blog. I think this is a good blog to discuss about blogsophere.

Introducing a website we created, called "Blog Look", the URL is "http://look.urs.tw/", but this is only for "Big-5" encoding.

The chart of "Blog Look" display top 300 blogs in Taiwan, based on the parameter you mention, we collect more than 20 data to compute the ranking.

There are more than 14000 blogs data entered, and more than 4000 blogs use our badget, and most of us think the rank covered most of blogs in Taiwan now.

You may take a look and give us comment, we will appriciate.

Jon Y

Hi John,

Thanks for the plug. We're big fans of tagging...it's a lot more 'granular' and transparent. Check out our new project www.BuggerAll.com.au - I'd love to hear your feedback.

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