A couple of weeks ago, I offered up a little checklist to help gauge how ready organizations were to get involved in social media. I was kind of half-joking. And then the dang thing turned out to be pretty useful. There is certainly a lot of interest in marcom departments of companies, non-profits, even in government agencies to get involved in social media ("My CEO wants a blog," "can you create something viral," "I want my own island on SecondLife." and we also hear, "I want to engage with my customers more - not rely on one way communications so much..."- yeah, we hear it all)
Our specialty is developing and executing digital influence strategy. That means putting some pretty interesting and ambitious programs in place. Sometimes it is much simpler. We have learned to recognize some patterns within clients to guide us in the proper direction.
This is meant as a "it's all good," positive tool. I hate when the alleged social media experts claim to get something others are too dull to understand. We are on the same journey. Not all organizations should get deeply involved in being active in social media. But anyone can listen. (Almost everyone should - okay, that's my only really judgement. it's hard to be against 'listening.' It's merits are pretty clear.)
So download it, change it, send it back, delete the Ogilvy logo - do whatever. And tell me what your experiences are with it. Thanks.
This is a great quiz! Thanks for offering it to the world.
But sorry, I don't even know who Scoble and Lutz are, much less know the difference between them. Isn't Lutz the person who invented that really hard jumping spin in figure skating??? :)) Am I still allowed to keep my blog going?
Posted by: Paul Levy | February 03, 2007 at 12:03 PM
We have put together an interactive version of this quiz. Find your score: http://www.yoursocialmediascore.com
Posted by: Mike Mangi | May 09, 2007 at 09:55 AM