We all exert influence. We are all influenced by others. That is like stating we all breathe air. But things have changed. It didn’t start (nor does it end) with blogs but there is something about the level playing field blogs offers that captures our attention right now.
I am interested in how digital influence manifests itself in our lives. We are in an interesting time wedged between the influences of media - TV, radio, publications, Web sites - and the disintermediation that has long been promised. This shows up in blogs, search engines, bookmarks, email and more.
Full disclosure: I work at Ogilvy. More precisely, I work at Ogilvy PR in DC (in charge of our Creative Studio). But this is an unofficial blog that represents my POV.
Here's what I mean by Digital Influence (and why I capitalize it):
Tom Peters influences me. Not just cause I read his blog. But I believe in his pov on personal brands and pursuing greatness.
Tibor Kalman influences me. He's passed but those brief few months I worked for him at M&Co. taught me a lot about design in our lives.
Alex Weil influences me. He owns a business, Charlex, that is doing high-quality motion design and effects in advertising for the bazillionth year. Enduring quality.
I read the Washington Post cause I live in DC. The paper influences me.
And so on. My preferences for products and services, my willingness to adopt new health behaviors, my attraction to one political candidate over another are all influenced by a complex set of...influences.
So, my goal is to understand better how influence "happens" in our digital lives.
What or who influences you?